Glad To See Them Come & Sometimes Go...

Glad to See Them Come & Sometimes Go

We kick and fuss how quickly they come ...
Then go so fast away.
They always come anew to open many of life's gate,
Always we reap sweet memories if patiently we wait.

We are hopeful for the ones that have been great,
And look back on the victories,to wonder if all are in pure fate.
We sometimes are overwhelmed by those that were lived in fear,
Yet are happy that we are celebrating because we know we're still here.

Some are just so incredible their thoughts can make us cry,
Others so miserable, we are glad to see them fly by.
We never know what another one may bring,
Each one like a song bird so different as in they ring.

Each new one full of renewed hope and pure faith,
Hoping the new be filled in more memories so great.
They only come around when these moments are so near.
Call them as you may, as we celebrate in victory another year!

Happy 2013! Rhia


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