
Showing posts from January, 2013

Caught in the Middle of the Worst Flu Outbreak in Years...

I have been so "under the weather" and felt as if I was "underneath a train" over the past 3 days, that I feel guilty about not being "here". I had posted a few days back thinking that the dramatic change in our weather here had brought on some terrible aches and pains in my joints. It tends to do that when we have pressure changes, changes with thunderstorms, humidity and so forth. It reeks havoc with those that have any type of joint, bone and even muscle issues. there is just something about the barometric pressure rising or falling, and then I always blame the drastic change in humidity that will make someone that feels just fine one day, be able to tell you 3 days before a bad storm strikes that it is coming in. Actually, we could use joints on people such as mine to more accurately predict the weather than our own weather people now days. Kind of like it was when the first of the "Farmer's Almanac's " came out, (if you...

Allowing The "Weather" to Rule Your Joints...

Unless you have some type of issues with arthritis, joint injury, surgeries, replacements (yes, even totally replaced joints), you could not possibly comprehend what is meant by the title of this post. But, if you are between the ages of a year old (or at least where you are old enough to convey you are in pain) to over 100 years old, and have any type of arthritic illness, from osteoarthritis, to RA, gout, other illnesses such as Lupus, FM, CFS, and dozens of others, to have your joints hurt and ache so badly you could cry when the weather raises its ugly to head to roar, you just cannot fathom what it is like. At this very moment, myself, and I am sure many more in my type of situation are suffering horribly with joint pains. From a mild ache, to almost a bone crushing stabbing pain, joints can leave you feeling horrid and not able to move at times. Weather changes, such as humidity (which for many is the worst), dramatic barometric changes. I do and try everything to...

Had Hoped for A Better New Years Day, yet life gives us what it wants at times..

Well, I was SO hoping for a New Year Good start, yet we had not great news yesterday evening. My Mom's brother suddenly and unexpectedly passed away yesterday. OF course it was a huge shock to Mom, and with everything else over the past couple of weeks, I know this hit her pretty hard. Then being the 1st day of a brand New Year, I know she is feeling like me, we prayed for "good" things. Anyway, s he is also one sister, the "baby", her brother was the oldest of the three. Her sister, my Aunt is not in good health at all. She has a rare type of stomach cancer, that is not operable, and has just about responded as much as it will to chemo etc. So of course, that makes this even worse. Please keep us all in your thoughts and prayers. Between the stress of it all, Mom's scare thinking she had heart problems two weeks ago, in which honestly she is still kind of worrying off and on, even though things appear to be fine, and then we are totally blanke...

Glad To See Them Come & Sometimes Go...

Glad to See Them Come & Sometimes Go We kick and fuss how quickly they come ... Then go so fast away. They always come anew to open many of life's gate, Always we reap sweet memories if patiently we wait. We are hopeful for the ones that have been great, And look back on the victories,to wonder if all are in pure fate. We sometimes are overwhelmed by those that were lived in fear, Yet are happy that we are celebrating because we know we're still here. Some are just so incredible their thoughts can make us cry, Others so miserable, we are glad to see them fly by. We never know what another one may bring, Each one like a song bird so different as in they ring. Each new one full of renewed hope and pure faith, Hoping the new be filled in more memories so great. They only come around when these moments are so near. Call them as you may, as we celebrate in victory another year! Happy 2013! Rhia