As My Own Word Turns - I am Happy for Those Who keep Me on an Even Keel

I hope everyone will have a good Sunday Morning. for me, I thought it might not be so great just due to thinking I was not going to sleep very well last night. but, as it turns out I did, and actually stayed on the sofa ASLEEP until almost 5:00am! What a miracle! I also want to send a huge hug and Thank you's to everyone who has been so kind to post their feelings about my latest poetry. Like life
e, as a writer your writing always evolves, always changes, it grows as you do. I had not thought much about that until once gain my "voice" came back to me over the past few months. I began to "hear" some of my thoughts about what I felt I needed to write about, and how to go about the way I wrote. It turns out even though there is always a reflection of me in the writing, it has changed with me, just as I have made so many turns, shifts, been over the rocky juts, into the rushing rapids, found the calm waters, and the ever winding of my own journey here. Thus my writing does the same. So, to "change" is always frightening. That means it is also frightening for a writer to realize their own writing has made changes also. Will we still "sound" as we did before? Will our own little "inner" voice continue to be that "musing" of thoughts, feelings and words as it has before? Will our writing still reach out and touch others as it has before? The answer is certainly without doubt "Yes"! In fact, as a writer, you not only keep your "first audience" but you bring in an entire new audience that loves what you say and do. For some here, my 1st poetry book Ramblings of A Seasoned Soul" - Brush Strokes of Life in Words, was a first time look at my "heart's work." For others that have experienced my writing for a long while so they already knew it well. So, my book stands in the realms of feelings that have surrounded me in still the future, yet also in the past. My new writing, still all "pieces" of my own soul, a "stain" of my life now is the same, but also different in some ways. As the illnesses and life's times have changed me somewhat, and I have grown and learned from them, my writing reflects those things also. So, as a writer, now I have come to know that my own "style" shall always be. But, the "contents", and the how I put some of those things can sound somewhat different and just be a metamorphic evolution of my inner essence, that shall also gleam in its own right. So, again I bid you a wonderful Sunday, and a smile to those who always know just how to bring brightness to my heart.
(To All who make my life pure when it seems so cluttered with everything that I honestly  wished did not clutter it) Thank you!

Be sure to Check out my 1st Published Book! "Ramblings of A Seasoned Soul - Brush Strokes of Life in Words"


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