Announcing the Tenative Release of my Next 2 Books...

As I was shopping yesterday with my Mom, I made a very "formal" decision. I AM going to publish my 2nd poetry book in the next 6 to 9 months. Then, I AM going to have at "least" the rough draft of my book ready within 12 months! Those are my two "resolutions" if you want to call them that for 2013! I did a great deal of soul searching as I went through the two different stores, really thinking abo
ut how important it is to my own self to get those two books out for others to read. I did this first poetry book and I am so proud of how it turned out. I also already have began work on the 2nd poetry book. I have named it, started on the cover page, and Jim is actually designing me a Logo, that will be on my books, writings etc. from now on. I wanted it on the first book, but time kept us from really getting it the way we wanted it to look. So, the poetry book is already set in motion. But, I have a great deal of work ahead of me in 2013 to have a "rough draft" ready of my "book, book" as I fondly call it. I do already tenatively have a name for it also, and do have most of it ready, but pieces of it are scattered all over my computer and in my journals. So, as I begin to "piece" it together kind of like a hand made quilt sewing each "sentence" in its special place, picking out the "material" of words, very carefully hand "stitching" all of those pieces to make them fit together, then seeing it turn into the wondrous "quilt top" of the book, ready to put the "backing on and finished the batting inside" of my life, thoughts and musings, please keep me in your hearts and thoughts. Keep prodding me along, making me know that I can do these two things, and encouraging me to keep my two goals with my eyes and heart set on them!!!! :) I need all of the support I can get!
I am officially starting this in January, especially the book itself. The poetry book has already got its beginning and I am working on it as I do other things. but, I want to wait until after the busy holidays and enjoy them, before I truly delve into my book. So, after the first of the year, if there are days that I don't post here, or it is a day or two before you hear from me, then don't be alarmed. I am going to muster every ounce of my entity to stay focused on the end of the race, finishing the book. That in itself will be a monumental realm for me, that is to stay focused. I tend to be one of those multi-idea type of people. I want to do about 10 things at once. I had already mentioned to Jim that I wanted to start a new quilt. And I may do that. Anyone that is a writer understands your "voice" some days may not magically appear and help you get going when it comes to writing. But, I have TOLD my "VOICE" it must get ready to stay ON the TRACK, seeing the end in sight. So, I wanted to begin to let everyone know, I "HOPE" I am not going to just magically disappear with illnesses etc... and that could happen. Anything can happen, and I am willing to admit, life never holds in one spot very long. Just about the time the rivers of life seem to be calm and on the straight and narrow. Here comes the white rapids, and the rocks, and very sharp turns you do not expect! Thus, those things may happen, and if they did then I maybe delayed but if all holds as it is now, I hope to keep on my time table.


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