A Post from a Dear Long Time friend....

I have known this gentleman for many years online. And although we have never "physically" been able to meet "he is now in Malta", we have kept a kindred type of spirit between us. Out of despair on both of our ends at one time and the other, we tried to lift one another up and keep each other trying to look at the positive realms of what seemed like extremely negative ones at the time. I can say that he has found much happiness and I am so proud of him and for him. :) He posted this on FB this morning about my poetry book and about our long over the years friendship and I asked Norman if it were all right for me to put his post here on my blog...

"I would like make a very short personal contribution about the author by describing Rhia as a person of unique qualities that are hard to find nowadays. This is not a rhetoric statement because I have known Rhia for a long time and she has always inspired me with her poetry but above all she has inspired me and many more with her personality, her internal strength...I am honour to have come to know her"Norman 11/29/2012

I was totally overwhelmed when I saw what he had written. I have been having a rough couple of days in trying to accept that my poetry book is never going to "sell like hotcakes", and I never expected it to. There are some poetry lovers out there but unless they know the poet, they may never take the time to stop and read those poems... and I am kind of disappointed that more of my friends had not posted or said a word, especially on Amazon's site or createspace. I really wanted to see a few "likes" there, but that was never my intent in writing anyway. I write to help people, and to try to lift others up not gain monetarily. Thus, whether 2 people of 200 "like" or "comment" matters not. I just, as anyone would went through a time of feeling like no one really gave one darn about what my heart's work means to me...


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