Thoughts of Those In Harm's Way of this Massive Hurricane Sandy...

As I scurry to read about this massive possibly deadly and most certainly destructive storm, I like so many thousands and thousands across the nation and world are thinking and praying for all in harm's way. It is so difficult to fathom Mother Nature can decide to throw such a massive natural disaster our way and within moments, take live and turn it upside down. But, it can certainly do that within the blink of an eye. speaking of the "eye" gosh, in looking at the size of this monster, just the cloud cover alone tells you the drama that is about to unfold over the entire Eastern Coast Line.... When it is going to possibly effect the Great Lake's around Chicago, with a storm surge, as I believe I read, the just slowly begins to allow me to understand the horrid amount of damage to possible life, and then to thin of how many lives will be effected in one way or the other by this storm as it comes through on its very slow path. From dumping more than a foot of snow in the mountains of Virginia, to flooding possibly the New York and New Jersey subways, to storm surges that could wipe out entire towns, it tells us we ARE NOT IN CONTROL!!! The only control we have is to make a "smart" choice early enough, and get the heck out of the way of this monstrous and massive Lady Storm... Honestly she is NO LADY but more like a "BIATCH!"... hella, helluva, or however you want to put if, it is one hell-a-cious disaster in the making. I realize just the thought of losing everything... your mementos, your memories, your home, and possibly everything you have acquired in your entire life is a night mare... and it must be hell having to leave so much behind, BUt saving your family and your life is so much more important. SO, PLEASE if they are telling you to get the heck out of this storms way, and evacuate... please heed those warnings and get to where you are safe... your life is so much more important, and memories can remain in your heart, items and things can be replaced... and you can put that back together... even though it is extremely difficult.... I know due to living in "tornado alley" there have been times I was not sure I would have a home or not over the years when the huge Cat 5 and even the smaller tornado's roll in you wonder what will be left within moments after ward... and often it is nothing... but all that are in the path of destruction I hope do truly get to safety.... remember all of you are in our thoughts and prayers over the coming days... and realize even when it passes it can be far from over due to whatever Sandy decides to dump in your area...


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