The signs of the times - in the wake of a Monster Storm

It so, so difficult to even think about the unfathomable amount of loss over the East Coast. As the stories continued to unfold, the loss of life, homes, everything for so many people, cities, entire towns, and our economic situation, we try to find reasons for why this has to happen. I know it has to be a question that runs through all of those in the wake of this "massive monster storm", as to why our country endures such a loss that is too big for words. Yesterday, as I went to run some errands, I happened to have to run to get my dogs some medication. There is a woman there I know, and she was in the process of getting the channel on the TV there to watch what was happening as far as the storm. We got to talking, and her comment was "She felt this was a "sign" of the times", which I feel the same in many ways about. These types of "Monster Storms", along with all types of unthinkable natural disasters are so difficult to view any other way. Then you take all of the other issues through out our nation and our entire world. From those who run through streets of entire towns killing innocent people, to those who march against all of us as terrorists to harm not only the USA but so many other countries around the globe. When you see a young person who is ready to strap a massive amount of material that will blow up or put it in a vehicle and know they will take their own lives "in the name of whatever" to hurt, maim, and do untold harm all around, those people are another sign of the times. We have untold amounts of people without jobs. Our water, our ground, our oceans, our air.... our food, everything we "intake" into our bodies is basically full of one type of contamination or another, whether it be "hormones" to make them grow quicker, or antibiotics, or preservatives, all of it in one way or the other must harm humans. We see massive forests disappearing, while more and more concrete takes over. Our air is so polluted, we see more children, and record numbers of adults that never had asthma now developing breathing and lung issues because our air is so full of contaminants. Our economic situation has not been this bad since the "Great Depression" and in my opinion it is "worse" in many ways that the depression of the 30's. We have so much GREED, corruption, negligence, and other types of those who choose to be more for themselves, than to help their fellow neighbor, that jobs for the "everyday" people are gone, We have "technologically" damaged our selves out of jobs. We have changed "main street" America into huge amount of businesses that offer more "title loans", pawn shops", "cash loans, gold buying places" rather than shoe stores and clothing shops. It is SAD when I drive through my small home town, and it seems every month yet another "Payday" loan, "title" loan, or pawn shop opens up, in what used to be places we bought items from local shop owners. I can count more than 10 to 12 of these types of businesses, and more coming in by the numbers. It almost makes me sick to see them. Thus, I feel the same as what she and I talked about, it is truly, a sign of what is coming very soon. We are headed for the end of times. We are headed for utter destruction; those that do not have their "business" in order(and I mean their "heart" and "soul" right with their Higher Power") should be truly thinking about that business, because in my heart, I feel ready. I added as I left from talking to her as she said what I felt.. we have taken "Higher Power" (I won't say God" since I feel everyone thinks of that entity in different ways), out of everything... out of our homes, schools (kids cannot even say a devotional as we did in my elementary school), and yes businesses and yes our government! I realize the separation of "church" and "state" BUT that does NOT mean to IGNORE WHO is the very essence of all people. Let's face it, we were a much better place, when we had our priorities straight in lives... putting the most important things first, saying grace, attending church, giving our children a solid foundation of morality to stand on... and I say morality, because that means how to treat others, how to run their lives right, without harm to others... teaching them RIGHT FROM WRONG, and parents these days just DON"T for the most part, look around... at all of the things that are just "wrong". yesterday, we went out to eat to celebrate my "1st book" being published...there were only a handful of people in this local buffet, and 3 of the women there honestly were so obese, to the point of not just obesity, but it was "morose" to even watch them fill plate after plate! with more food.... and GLUTTONY is the only word for it... these women did NOT have medical issues, or other things that were beyond their control making them that huge... they were all relatively young, well below the age of 40, some probably in their late 20's.  IT was to the point of being "repulsive" to think about eating, when we saw them continue to walk by with full sized plates, one after the other FULL and overflowing with food. I don't mean to be offensive at all. I am NOT talking about those who have weight issues that truly cannot help it. Those with medical issues, and other reasons that they are overweight have nothing to do with what we saw yesterday evening. Even I worry about my own weight due to the medication of Prednisone I take. It is a small dose, but it is daily, and it can cause weight issues if I don't keep a daily watch on my diet and exercise. But, these types of issues, look around at our young people, they I would say 60 percent of them overweight or obese in our society now days. These are just a few things that all point to there is a short time left here. I am NO PROPHET!! I don't "foresee" the future and I am not some fanatic... I am merely giving out what I see, hear, and feel in my own heart and mind.... things are out of control and we should stand back and really survey our lives, and decide what truly is important today, tomorrow, and the days we have left...none of us know that day, that moment... but for us that believe we do know it is all unfolding...


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