Running on "Fumes"

With each and every one of us that have jobs, homes, family, children, and so forth, we tend to run on "empty" at times. We stretch ourselves out way too thin, offering to take care of so many things that one day we realize we often can't keep up with. Yet, anyone with a chronic illness and/or usually running hand in hand chronic daily pain, we can be "running on empty" just by getting up in the morning at times. I am so fortunate as this time that I am able to climb out of bed (and in fact I am not sleeping anyway very much), and thus I am able to go through the business and the "bustle" of daily living. All too often daily living for those who are well, and daily living for those like myself or worse, are much different scenario's. We may take 15 minutes to honestly just literally crawl out of bed due to pain or stiffness. For me, I must get up and walk off the stiffness and aching of my ankles and toes, and then shake off the fingers, thumbs and wrists that are so worn from the RA (Rheumatoid arthritis). All of these illnesses, whether it be Lupus, RA, FM (Fibromyalgia), plus many other autoimmune illnesses that effect the bones and especially the joints cause pain, lack of range of motion, and stiffness, at different times depending on what type of issue you have. I have also found out from my own experience and others that I have gotten to know from FB through some of those groups, I have more than "one" of the illnesses. For instance, if you have one form of Lupus, whether skin or systemic, you usually have Sjogren's (which effects the fluids such as saliva and tears), Raynaud's (which is where my hands and feet almost appear to be frost bitten even in the Summer, due to the restrained blood flow to them.) Multiple Sclerosis patients often times have several of the AI illnesses, not just the "main" one. Fibromyalgia is one illness that I will mention through out my blog for several reasons. First of all, that was what I was first told I have years ago when it very came out as "anything" medical. Most doctors had no real idea what it was, much less what to do for it, and for women, if you came in with anything life bone tired fatigue, unexplained sweats, leg pain at night, and an array of medical issues, but they could not "apply" a real diagnosis, you were told you either had Fibromyalgia, or you were depressed, or both! That began to be the "standard" for many of us that were not easily explained by other illnesses. FM was not really even considered an "illness" until more lately, when it now is listed as a very real illness, that can cause total disability for the patient. So, now it is not fly by night term, it is something taken as being serious at times. It seems that there are all types of symptoms and I will put a link to a website with more information on that. But, getting back to my stuff, I also known several groups of people on Facebook that are all afflicted with FM/CFS/ME. Some of them, even though my situation is quite serious at times, have me looking "well". They are often so extremely tired they may take all of the strength they have to even get out of bed, dress themselves and eat. For some I have seen them say they are basically bed ridden! My son, who is in his early 30, has been diagnosed with FM. I tend to think he does not have it at all, but has inherited some of the arthritic issues of my family. We shall see as time progresses. Depending on medications, and symptoms, hopefully the doctors will be accurate in diagnosis and medications. That is quite another issue. There is very little they can do for these patients. They do have some new medications that seem to be helping some, and others not at all...I am going to close this and continue it after this  RECENT THING I WANT TO TELL YOU ALL!!!!


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